Don’t Talk to me About Western medicine


…………..because I am not a western doctor and do not know the terms. It seems to me that western medicine is remedial and is based on symptoms, drugs, surgery, a dictionary and science.

But do talk to me about energy healing which I understand.

Energy Healing is the general name given to any form of alternative healing which uses the energy all around us to bring about healing of the physical human body. The energy has different names in different cultures including chi, ki, prana, ruach, breath of life, life force and no doubt others.

Energy healing can be hands-on or hand-off, face-to-face or over a distance and there are hundreds of different modalities of healing.

Associated with the human body are the auras, the chakras and the meridians. There is no complete agreement on how many of each of these there are however Jeff works with four major auras, seven major chakras and 12 major meridians

It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing the energy that is readily available from The Source, the sun, air and ground to address physical, emotional and other imbalances. The energy is all around us. It is pervasive.

This pervasive energy that surrounds, interpenetrates and sustains the physical body, also affects our emotions, our mentality and even our spiritual convictions.